Stepping Into Your Power And The Power Of Sharing

You know, some people seem to think that talking about feelings or emotions is negative.



They stay up all night thinking about that shit that they said to Bob at that party.

They tell me, Jamie… not everyone is like you.

Not everyone needs to tell their feelings to others.

I say… what a bunch of bullshit.

There is a certain type of person.

This person is like me.

They have a big gap between where they are now and where they really want to be.

The gap is big.

This is a lot of people.

If this is you.

I am here to tell you that it’s okay to share your feelings with others.

I know, man.

I know that you’re frustrated.

I know that you wish your life was different.

But, it’s okay.

It’s okay to share your feelings with others, man.

It’s okay. You may be judged.

People may find you strange.

But, dude…

If there is a great difference between where you are and where you want to be…

If this has gone on for many years.

If people have hurt you in the process.

If you believe you can do this…

Believe in yourself.

Do not be afraid to share yourself.

I was afraid for a long time.

I started my journey at 12 years old.

Stupid naive whipper snapper.

I am now 25 almost 26.

I thought I was the smarted guy in the room.

I never achieved what I wanted.

It sucks.

But do not be afraid to share this with others.

Seek others.

Seek kindred spirits.

You need them.

You are not the omnipotent soul capable of being the strongest person in the world.

You do not need to be so strong.

You do not need to be so strong for the people around you.

You DO NOT need to be RIGHT.

Share your thoughts.

Share them with others.

It is okay.

If you do not, you will break.

I didn’t…

For 10 years.

I buried it and I buried it.

Deeper and deeper.

To the point of break down.

Psychological breakdown.

It did not even need to happen.

I could have left the same shit of me punishing myself go on for longer.

But I left the crap come out.

If you are even slightly smarter than the average joe.

You will probably achieve something good given enough time.

So do not feel bad.

If after one year you feel like an asshole.

If after three years you feel like an asshole.

If you spent all your money and you are now at home and people treat you like poo.

Remember… you can do what you want.

Achieving goals is not the meaning of life.

Keep doing you.

Keep moving forward.

Do not be afraid to share your feelings if you are frustrated.

It’s okay to be frustrated.

That is the message of this blog.

Please, share.

Stop burying.

Stop being afraid.

What happens if you share your true feelings and it’s not a therapist?

Worst case… you stop hanging out with that person if he thinks you’re an idiot.

This was never your kindred spirit.

Do not be afraid.

Continue the fucking path.

What is the worst case?

For me… I was 19 and I was rock bottom and I found a bunch of hippie communities online in Costa Rica.

I decided… if I am not successful I will go live with them.

That realistically was the worst case.

I also thought… it was moving back home.

But hey… I can go live with a fucking hippie commune if I want.

This is the lowest level of thinking, however…

If I talk some sense to myself and do not let the ego take over… I could have always done many things.

You, will probably find the same.

So perhaps, it’s time to go ahead and do what you want, man.

Try not to worry about the others.

You have them.

Do you, because you cannot be happy based on other people.

Go ahead, do you.

If you are hurting, tell people.

Get your help.

Always remember.

You can fucking do you.

The worst case is nothing.

We all will end this journey.

We are the walking dead, minus 70-80 years.

So you may as well do what you want and not be so hard on yourself.

Stop allowing others to control you.

You can do it dude, and you know who you are.

That dude who lets 2 weeks go by without doing 1 thing.

Any human… who is working towards a better future.

You know what you have to do.

Go, succeed, man.

Stop letting the shackles of the past run you.

You were never meant to be shackled.

Circumstances, dude.

I had my shackles removed from others.

You may need to remove your own.

One day I hope to actually help enough people through these where it’s useful.

But… you know…

Purpose is all bullshit.

There is no right thing.

Fix your shit.

Then you can make sane decisions.

Step into your power.

Isn’t it time to stop struggling?

I sure as shit hated struggling.

Share your shit.

Be good.

Listen, take your action.

Become your best self.

It’s fucking in there man.

If you have nobody to share your progress with, find some new friends or join a community.

You are not alone.

You are part of something bigger than you.

You can do it.